
KC Flight Shop`s Evektor SportStar LSA

You may try the Light Sport practice for first time flying the Evektor SportStar.

Produced by KC Flight Shop, one of their goals has been to provide an “optimal performance in all computers within dense scenery“. Read further their complete press release.

“The Evactor SportStar was the first aircraft to be certified Light Sport in U.S, a 100HP Rotax engine powers the two seat LSA.  The Sport Star’s roomy cockpit, exceptional performance, and unmatched visibility make it truly a pilot’s aircraft designed to make flying affordable and accessible.

The KCFS Evektor Sport Star is designed to meet the same criteria of accessibility and affordability. Performance optimized for use in all computers within dense scenery the package offers  5 high detail texture sets , complete compatibility with all hardware, shared cockpit functions  and a custom GNS system with true to life versatility .

The Evactor Sport Star  produced by the KC Flight Shop, a team of leading professionals to introduce  high detail simulations at low cost, renditions of aircraft  tested and produced with the cooperation of pilot owners for the flight sim community,  and like the LSA  affordable  and easy to fly .

Visit the KC Flight Shop for complete details”

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