London Luton from Eiresim Released

Eiresim LutonIt might not be particularly close to London, but many people who have travelled through to or from the UK on low cost airlines will know the airport code “LTN” from their tickets and baggage tags.

Classed as “London’s Third Airport” after Heathrow and Gatwick, London Luton (EGGW) is, indeed, one of the country’s major low cost airline hubs, with operators including Ryanair and EasyJet operating to large amounts of Europe and beyond from its single runway.

Now scenery developer Eiresim, best known for their airports the other side of the Irish Sea, have crossed to Great Britain for their latest release for FS2004, featuring, amongst other things, a high quality photoreal ground texture, apron and runway markings, appropriate moving and static airport vehicles and 3d models for the approach lighting, PAPI and hold short warning lights.

For more information, to see the teaser video and to purchase please see the product page at simMarket.

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