
Aerosoft Yekaterinburg X… For FS9/2004

Yekaterinburg (also known as Ekaterinburg) is, according to the product information for this Aerosoft scenery, the fourth largest city in Russia, with 1.4 million inhabitants. It’sĀ  also, we’re willing to bet, somewhere else in the FS world that next to nobody has visited… Would be we right?

Well, as you might have guessed, Aerosoft want to change that – in FS9 at least – with the release of this scenery of the city’s international airport (ICAO: USSS; IATA: SVX) for Microsoft’s older, but still widely used, simulator. The scenery includes all the details and features you’d expect from an Aerosoft airport, apparently with extra attention to the snow textures this time, due to the somewhat cold climate in the region.

More screenshots and purchase information can be found here on the product page.

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