simMarket latest entries

TAXI2GATE – TONCONTIN MHTG FSX : Honduras world’s trickiest landing, expect many details in airport equipments, buildings and taxiways lights and signs up to the volumetric grass.
SANGIL – LOS POZOS (COLOMBIA) : Colombian airport designed with custom elevations, buildings and textures for FS2004.
FSCENE – 4X-WORLD for Prepar3D : the complete FScene collection for Prepar3D for less than 23 EUR vat excl.
FEELTHERE – CALL! FOR PIC 737 EVOLUTION FSX or FS2004 : checklists flows with a virtual copilot, pilot and flight attendant announcements, for the PIC 737 Evolution.
DISKTRIX – ULTIMATE DEFRAG 4 : Windows utility to optimize files positions and hard disk management, select specific applications like FSX, 2 to 3 minutes complete defrag.
TRAINS AND DRIVERS : “Modern Freight” and “A Day In Portland” are ScenariosPack for Railworks 3 / Train Simulator 2012.
AEROSOFT – FLIGHTSIM COMMANDER 9.2 (BOX) : the latest version of the popular flight planner / moving map / GPS now shipping in a box. Compatible with Prepar3D, FSX, FS2004.

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