How goes the IXEG 737 project ?

This International X-Plane Engineering Group has been working at this classic airliner with indepth systems simulation for X-Plane for more than a year already.

Their last blog post explains a little part of their actual work, the FMS programming. And that’s a large amount of work, involving navigation and performance, 2D displays and 3D geometry.

0 Responses

    1. Sorry, but this actually made me smile (and if you knew how bad a day I’m having, that’s a miracle!) – it’s always the XP types moaning that things are released for Microsoft sims and not for their sim of choice, so it’s refreshing to see the reverse also applies!

  1. You will start to see more of this as time goes on Ian.
    Especially when the 64bit version is released, massive potential for XP to grow then

  2. I agree entirely, mad dog.

    It was just funny to see the exact response that XP users give to anything new being released for MS sims, but completely vice-versa.

    It’s only really funny at the moment, though, because XP is only really now starting to see its limits (and hopefully its developers) getting pushed in ways that are more than just ‘cool’. As more that we take for granted in the MS sim world also becomes available in the Laminar sim as well, which is already happening, albeit slowly, then we’ll see more people using it. Whether it will completely replace FS9 and X? Only time will tell, but I doubt it in the short to medium term, considering what both developers and users have already got invested.

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