Alabeo to develop for X-Plane

Having recently announced that they will be supporting Lockheed-Martin Prepar3D, simFlight has today received not one, but two, press releases saying that Alabeo are also going to be adding Laminar Research X-Plane products to their line-up. The difference between the two? Alabeo’s own Press Release states that X-Plane will become the third platform they support, while the follow up from Laminar Research boss Austin Meyer states that they will be “switching to X-Plane“. Two days after announcing support for P3D. At least he didn’t write it all in capitals and put ten exclamation marks at the end, which makes a change.

Anyway. Back on the reality front, Alabeo have announced that their first X-Plane release will be the Pitts S-2S, as pictured above and to the left. Release of the little aerobatic biplane is expected ‘within days’ according to the text from the company’s Fernando Herrera, with their other releases to follow over the coming months.

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