Day: October 10, 2012

FSL A320 information gathered

Over at the flightsimlabs forums, user “A320DLH” has corrolated as much information as possible about the forthcoming Airbus A320 release into a single post to

Scenerybox add two France photosceneries

Fans of flying their simulated aircraft over photorealistic scenery may well be interested in these two new releases from Scenerybox, covering the Hautes-Pyrénées and Aude

Juanda International for FS9/X

The Asian archipelago nation of Indonesia and its surrounds is becoming very popular within the FS world, with a number of developers now creating airports

JustFlight F111 now at simMarket

Released via their own site and store a short while ago, JustFlight have now made their latest foray into the military market – the F-111

EADS and BAE systems fusion ?

Started in last September, the negociation for the merge of EADS and BAE Systems groups has been cancelled. It would have been a new space,

Amazing 727 crash on purpose

httpv://–dC5kuQ8Q&feature=player_embedded Take an actual Boeing 727, install cameras, sensors and .. crash test dummies ! Channel 4 and a production company spent US$ 1.500.000 to

Carenado B200 King Air news

Maybe a surprise for Carenado customers, their upcoming King Air B200 will be painted in military liveries, beside other civilians ! You’re cleared for a

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