
More Orbx boxes available at simMarket

105205_ftx-felts-field-spokane-02Thanks to Aerosoft‘s publishing agreement with Orbx, many of the Australian developers’ products are available as boxed products in Europe, including from simMarket – a significant saving on mailing costs to say the least!

The latest titles to be added to the catalogue are all airports, but definitely not limited to being from one continent themselves. Owners of EU England might want to add Chichester/Goodwood, a grass field near the British south coast, to their collection, while for New Zealand fliers, the natural wonders of the area around Milford Sound await your virtual presence. Needless to say, US sim pilots are far from left out, with Washington State’sĀ Felts Field Spokane (pictured above) and Oregon’s Siletz Bay airports while continuing north to Canada and the Pacific Fjords base pack, the ultra-high resolution Bella Coola is well worth many visits.

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