Prepar3D V2 in beta


We shouldn’t have heard about it.. but too late, some developers (here and there) let escape the word spread aout a new version of the flight simulator by Lockheed Martin : Prepar3d V2.

For now it’s running beta tests, and it will be very hard to get more information since the Non Disclosure Agreement has not been cancelled yet.

0 Responses

  1. Honestly I’ve not tried Prepar3D, but I’m unable to find or to understand the differences between Prepar3D and FSX….

  2. Prepar3d is based on Microsoft ESP, itself based on FSX. P3D results to be more optimized, smoother. Not all FSX addons can work in P3D. More and more publishers officially supports P3D along FSX. Nevertheless, some FSX addons that are not supposed to work with P3D can, but you have to move the files manually, or you may direct your addon setup to P3D directory but it’s not supported by the publisher until it says he does. Today, there are less addons for P3D than FSX but depending of your needs, the actual choice may be wide enough to satisfy you. Another difference is that P3D has a training oriented licecnce, it’s not made for entertainment according to the software terms of use. Although this doesn’t matter in your day-to-day use, you would pick up an academic licence at 49.96 US$ and that’s it. But, this partially explains why some publishers still doesn’t support P3D like PMDG, according to his manager : the training licence would not be compatible with the entertainment licence between Boeing and PMDG…

  3. There is no ‘competition’ or significant difference between FSX and P3D regarding functionality. They are licensed and developed for different markets, but share the same base code at present. Depending on what is done regarding 64-bit support and other core functionality, that may well change with v2.

    L-M have stated no intention to change licensing, so the lack of competition between FSX and P3D is unchanged.

    X-Plane is the only competitor for both products. How great that competition really is can be debated ad nauseum!

  4. A lot of you are not getting the point. ATM P3D is barely different to FSX but V2 means that the sim will be Direct X11 compatible making better use of the graphics card resulting in way better frames and performance. Along with volumetric fog, clouds and 3D water P3D V2 is worth the $49.96. All of your fsx addons work with the dx11 sim! read more:

  5. You’re missing another article, Scott.

    P3D V2 is not yet available and no pricing information is available either. They have not yet confirmed that existing users will get the update without extra cost (or hadn’t as of this morning), so buying an academic license now will not necessarily entitle you automatically to v2.0.Your $50 may well just buy you a license for P3D v1.4 at this time, which is, effectively, no different to FSX in any significant way.

    They have also very clearly stated that while they will try to maximise backwards compatibility, it is not guaranteed in any way, as many developers push the boundaries of or simply work outside of the core engine (all the “high end” products do). Therefore, saying that “All your fsx addons work with the dx11 sim!” is a bit of a leap at present. Many FSX add-ons don’t work with v1.4 without modification, let alone v2!

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