SP3 ready for QualityWings 757


Upgrade notice forΒ QualityWings Ultimate 757 CollectionΒ owners !

Service Pack 3Β is ready for download and will need a full reinstall process when you download the file obtained throughΒ this link. The developers have detailed the changelog and the main fixes aim at the FMS, the autopilot and 2D panels.

Original press release copied below :

We are pleased to finally be able to provide you with Service Pack 3 for the Ultimate 757 Collection. This Service Pack marks the end of the line with regards to Development for the Ultimate 757 Collection. You can download the Service Pack from the Download section of QWSIM.com

Mirror # 1:

This Service Pack features numerous improves, modifications and a few additions which can be seen at the change-log at the bottom of this page.

Please note that this Service Pack requires a FULL install. We opted for the full install because of the complexity of this new installer. We apologize for the inconvenience of having to re-install your liveries.

NEW CUSTOMERS (Until further Notice)
If you purchased the 757 recently (even if you just now purchased it), the installer DOES NOT contain Service Pack 2. You will need to perform the same download. We are ironing out some issues and apologize for the inconvenience.

Regarding the new installer, a help file has been made available to help with the process. If you are an FSX only users…then everything is straight forward. However, if you have P3D installed on your system, there are some additional prompts. The Install Help can be found here:

Regarding P3D,
This product is not developed for and does not carry an official compatibility endorsement from QualityWings Simulations for Prepar3D. Installation is authorized, but does not carry support from QualityWings.
Please see this topic:

We hope you’ve enjoyed our rendition out of the 757 and that you may continue to enjoy the Ultimate 757 with these improvements.

The Change-log is listed below. Happy flying Smile

Service Pack 3
Version 1.3
Release Date February 2014

Product installation into Prepar3D now available (UNSUPPORTED)

2D Panel (757-300) – Flap Placard Typo showing 757-200
2D Panel (757-300) – Flap Placard Speeds Incorrect
2D Panel – Unable to switch from standby to active Comm frequency in 2D popup
Aircraft Performance: Max Indicated Airspeed Value corrected (Was too low contributing to premature acft Overspeed warnings during certain conditions)
Autopilot – Aircraft drifts off LNAV course in direct crosswinds.
Autoflight (FLCH Mode) – when leveling off A/T grabs the current speed instead of the MCP window speed.
Autopilot – In descent when transitioning from VNAV to SPD or FLCH to SPD a high speed value is entered into speed window causing Overspeed.
Exterior Models – Specular Shine Excessive
Exterior Models – Logo Light Mapping Issue
Exterior Models – MLG Door Mapping Issue
Exterior Models – Bump Map MIP Maps Added for better visual quality across broad range of views
FMS – Legs Page, Intersecting Radials, not always calculated correctly.
FMS – CTD when airport with large number of Approach waypoints is selected (LFRS, EDDF)
FMS -Flight plan does not clear when power goes out.
FMS – ‘FIX’ page does not display DTG, ALT, etc. info, add this info to the Fix page.
FMS – ‘FIX’ page does not allow distance only, or radial only entry.
FMS – VNAV Climb ignores LEGS altitude restrictions
FMS – incorrect scratchpad entry when restriction LSK (R) is selected.
EFIS – ND/EHSI draws flight plan route line through Discontinuity point(s).
EFIS – Vert Dev display sometimes not correct
Sounds: Residual Engine Sounds after engine shutdown
TMSP – Add CLB1, CLB2 TMSP support.

Modification/Improvement: Cockpit Graphics refreshed
Modification/Improvement: Engine Sounds Cones now available
Modification/Improvement: New Red Anti-Collision light Effect

Autopilot – FLCH function available with autopilot off.
Sounds – Lowered Volume on panel Click Sounds
Sounds – Modified Flap Lever sound for realism
Sounds – Various sound quality improvements
Sounds- .cfg option to inhibit some cockpit sounds while external view is open.
Sounds (QWPAS) – Disable co pilot callouts when in slew mode, so they don’t constantly play while slewing around.
Sounds – Delay Positive Rate of Climb Gear Up Callout
Systems (Engine Start) – Inhibit auto fuel switch for standard mode on Engine Starts (Engine will not start until user manually moves fuel switch) (Requires use of new Cfg option)

Autopilot – Add support for input for external hardware (GoFlight etc).
FMS – add user files (user custom data files, that will not be overriden by Navigraph Updates)
FMS – Add QWPAS Announcement status page.
FMS – Add Airport Elevation to Approach Page.
2D Panel (Radio Panel) – Add transponder support for SquawkBox/ FSINN (2D panel ONLY)
Systems – Added Altitude Alert Deviation Mode.

EnableManualEngStart=1 // Turns off Automatic transition of Fuel Control Switch during engine start
InhibitCockpitSoundsOnStopSound=1 //inhibits cockpit sounds when view is outside the cockpit (ie when other sounds are also disabled). Includes slew mode as well.”

0 Responses

  1. I installed the patch and hardly noticed anything new, it’s still an ugly plane with light systems……Make the damn wipers work…lolol πŸ™‚

  2. I installed and flew it. It’s actually worse to fly now! The FMS doesn’t work properly anymore. This package has been removed from my system for good. The Captain Sim 757 works better, even with it’s bugs. Avoid this product.

  3. I have installed this new SP3, and it works very well. FMS got a big improvement, and I am very satisfied with. Thank you for a such update! I very recommend this Add-On!

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