LatinVFR updates : KSAN and KMIA

As promised a few weeks ago, LatinVFR updated for free their US airports of KMIA Miami (v2.2) and KSAN San Diego (v1.2). These new versions are made only for users of FSX and P3D (including P3D v2 compatibility). Pilots in FS2004 “The Century of Flight” remain in their actual version, and the current products still come with an installer for the good old FS9.

For Miami, choose either the update 2.2 (about 800 kb) or the new complete installer. For San Diego, there is only a new complete full installer updated in version 1.2. Just log in your simMarket customer account and go to the downloads page to get the links.

0 Responses

  1. Thanks for the post. The updates for FSX and FS2004 consist of:

    For KMIA we updated the AFCAD parking designation for recent gate shuffling at KMIA. For all FS platforms, aswell as adding new ILS hold short lines.

    For KSAN we added a customized global environment map instead of the default one for FSX.

    But most importantly we made KSAN and KMIA P3dv2 compatible.

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