
Quality Wings 787 – Custom Interior Lights, Videos and More…


Some people from FlightSimCon have been using Facebook’s Live feature to stream the QW787 stand today, whereas some have simply opted to just upload pictures and videos. Below you will find a collection of videos generally from Alec Liberman, and David Graham. Unfortunately for 4 out of the 5 videos, you will need to have Facebook to view them due to the way they were posted.

Also, due to the way Facebook works regarding embedding from closed groups, you will just have to click the links to see the video itself.

Video Links: (They should show correctly. If not, request to join the following groups – P3D v2 & v3 and also QualityWings 787 Dreamliner.)

  1. Programming The FMC – Alec Liberman
  2. 787 Part 2 – Alec Liberman
  3. “Landing the bae” – Alec Liberman
  4. Cabin light colors changing – David Graham

Above video and picture below by David Graham. “787 has lovely TAWS” -beneath


Not forgetting the final previews of the 787 posted by Alec Liberman yet again featuring the 787 night lighting.



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8 years ago

How long is that thing now in development?
Anyhow, does someone know if it will be P3D compatible from the start? And has PMDG announcend something about the 747 v2?

8 years ago
Reply to  Nils

Many years is all I know. Also I’d assume it will be v3 compatible from the start. No further news about the PMDG 747 v2 neither – As soon as it’s posted you’ll see it here 🙂

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