
ActiveSky for P3D V4

As popular as it is efficient, Active Sky for P3D V4 fully integrated with enhanced visibility depiction and turbulence effect will come as a free update for all registered customers of the current Active Sky 2016 P3D.

That’s not all, the environment and textures pack Active Sky Cloud Ard will also receive a free Service Pack 2 near the release date of the update for Active Sky.

They are currently in sale at simMarket : 30% OFF just this week.

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7 years ago

“enhanced visibility depiction and turbulence effect”

ASN be like: “we need something to write in here, it doesn’t need to make any sense since turbulence is the same since FS9 and visibility is managed well by P3D itself but hey, it looks always cool to write enhanced visibility and enhanced turbulence effects and we do need to write something as he can’t just be honest and say it’s just an update from P3D V3 to V4.”

7 years ago

So will my P3DV3 ASCA and HIFI TECH – ACTIVE SKY 2016 P3D still fork on the 64 bit version without buying a new one?


7 years ago

Sounds good, but is for the cat. If the license does not fit. As long as this is not for the private use free against, I see here only money waste. I do not buy a car if I do not have a valid driving license, or?

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