
Major Scenery Developers Announce Future Products For P3D V4 Only

FlyTampa, FlightBeam Studios and 29Palms Scenery Design joined FSDreamTeam to post the following announcement about their future products platform.

All their sceneries will be now developed for P3D v4 only in order to get out of the software limitation in the 32bit environment, to offer more details and effects as they are now possible and supportable by current hardware solutions.

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Bib Bobs
Bib Bobs
7 years ago

inb4 closed comments

Daniel Kittler
Daniel Kittler
7 years ago

Wie ein Kondukt ! Fsx ist tot , es lebe P3D!

Danny Relfe
Danny Relfe
7 years ago

Good. Support for all old platforms has to eventually end.

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