FS2Crew – Flight Crew A320 and PMDG NGX-u Updated

Light but appreciated enhancements have been added to Flight Crew A320 – currently 25% OFF at simMarket – for a better interaction with the FS2Crew Main Panel when you put Microsoft Flight Simulator window in focus. Other fixes affect the engines start sequence, and you can also specify the aircraft model that you are flying to get the respective VFE speed checks. That’s because the crew simulation add-on is also compatible with A318-A330 Airbus products of Aerosoft in P3D FSX.

For FS2Crew PMDG 737 NGXu Edition – currently on sale 50% OFF at simMarket –, the latest update was only needed to ensure a “increased support” with the new Cargo expansion of PMDG.

“Flight Crew A320 Version 1.1 Change Log:
  • New: Option to auto reopen the FS2Crew Main Panel if, when using a single monitor, the FS2Crew window gets automatically hidden when you put the Flight Simulator window in focus.
  • New: Option to select the model you are using (A318 to A330). This will load the associated Max Flap Speed values (VFE) for the selected aircraft. You can select NONE to disable the VFE speed check when calling for flaps during the approach phase.
  • New: Option to set the Engine Start Sequence (1 then 2 instead of 2 then 1).
  • New: A text label has been added to the Main Panel indicating if the FS2Crew Main Panel is (or is not) in focus. If you wish to use the available Hotkeys to trigger the Main and Secondary button, the FS2Crew Main Panel must ‘not’ be in focus since these events are detected by the simulator itself, and in order for the simulator to be able to detect an event, it must be in focus.
  • Fixed: When starting the engines, the mode will no longer jump to takeoff mode.
PMDG 737 NGX-U version of FS2Crew has been updated to Version 1.5 :
The only change is increased support for the new “Cargo” expansion pack released by PMDG via the OPS: Military/Freight Option.”
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