
miniCockpit – miniFCU Production in Full Swing, Shipping Set to Begin

In the heart of their production facility, machines are humming, workers are focused, and excitement is palpable. The miniCockpit team is proud to share the latest updates on the miniFCU production and shipping schedule. The flightsim community unwavering support has fueled their journey, and they’re thrilled to be nearing the moment when miniFCU units will find their way to your doorsteps.

Mass Production Progress:

Their factory is in overdrive, working tirelessly to bring the miniFCU units to life. Despite encountering initial challenges in the early stages, they’ve overcome each hurdle with determination. miniCockpit team is committed to delivering a product that exceeds expectations. The production line is running smoothly, and they seem to be on track to meet their promised delivery date.

Shipping Milestones:

The first batch of shipments is on track to reach the fulfillment company by the end of this month of November. While the exact quantity is pending confirmation, their commitment is to dispatch all available units on that day, with an estimated target of around 2000 units. Subsequent shipments will follow through December, ensuring that the miniFCU units reach their new homes as swiftly as possible.

Shipping Order:

miniCockpit knows the importance of adhering to backers’ sequence, and they are prioritizing this in their shipping plan. However, technical constraints with their shipping partner, EasyShip, may necessitate some adjustments. Rest assured, they are dedicated to maintaining fairness by following a first-come-first-serve rule.

Double Surveys for Shipping: ( IMPORTANT )

To streamline the shipping process, there will be two emails. The first, from, is exclusively for collecting shipping details. The second, from, will contain payment links for shipping charges just before your shipment is ready. Users prompt response is crucial to maintain the shipping schedule, and miniCockpit needs your cooperation in providing accurate information.

Unveiling Shipping Charge Calculation:

In their commitment to transparency, they’ve prepared a brief article demystifying shipping charge calculations. You can find it here. Understanding these calculations ensures clarity on the shipping charges associated with your miniFCU unit.

Inibuilds MSFS A320 (update 14 beta):

miniCockpit managers are under a code freeze for the first public release of the Data Link Software (DLS). Compatibility work will commence once the public release stabilizes. In the meantime, consider using the Asobo A320 or other Airbus add-ons available on the market.

Finalizing Shipping Details:

A shipping information email has been dispatched via Please provide accurate details, including the Tax Identification Number (TIN) if required for your country. will email you for shipping fee settlement upon readiness for dispatch. Respond promptly to prevent shipping delays, and remember to check your email’s spam folder.

Holiday Shipping Deadlines:

As the festive season approaches, carriers are implementing shipping deadlines. To ensure timely delivery before Christmas, miniCockpit logistics partner needs a finalized list by the end of November. Respond to the email survey by November 25th, 15:00 UTC. Any responses received after this deadline will be processed in January 2024.

Address/Country/TIN Changes:

For any changes, wait for the email for shipment payment. If you’re unsure about the information that miniCockpit received, log in to the kickstarter website, choose the project page, view the survey, and edit the address.

Get daily updates on the shipping details via the official Facebook page of miniCockpit.

The miniFCU adventure is reaching a milestone, and stay tuned for our next exciting unboxing experience with our notes and comments on the first test flights performed with the miniFCU that we received earlier this week.

First shots of our press copy unit :

Official preview shots provided by the manufacturer miniCockpit :

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Thomas R> Bosma
Thomas R> Bosma
7 months ago

When can I buy a Mini FCU from you and the cost? Thank you

m woolery
m woolery
7 months ago

I see prices and sales details but no way to order… how frustrating !! as always with this stuff.

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