BeyondATC – Pricing discussion

Greetings everyone! You may have heard over the past few days they released the pricing model for BeyondATC! If you haven’t had a chance to check it out yet, the information can be found here.

The pricing model has caused a bit of lively discussion across various forums, channels and indeed right here in our own discord. If you have had doubts about the announced pricing model, felt it unfair, too expensive, too complicated or had any other doubts, I wanted to take this opportunity to address your concerns in a video with Overkill where we discuss every point we’ve seen brought up in the last few days. The full interview can be found here:

If you would like to understand why we made these choices, how we arrived at these prices, why we created the concept of Transmission Time or anything else, there’s a good chance your question will be answered in this video. If you have the time I highly recommend you watch the full thing to get a better understanding.

If you’re short on time and want to get right to the core of what we actually take from the cost and how your money is used, please check out the video at this timestamp:

There’s even a bit more information on the state of BeyondATC, our plans going forward and where the project is at right now, so make sure to stick around to the end to find out more!

As always, thanks so much for all the feedback, concerns, passion and interest in BeyondATC. As we enter into a new Beta cycle, things are getting exciting for the product!

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