Category: Utility



A new utility from Land3Simulations “virtual Runway Awareness and Advisory System” in short “vRAAS”.Enhance your flight simulation experience with vRAAS, designed to replicate the functionality of

Add-on or Expansion Pack

OnAir is Not What You Think

You can use OnAir Airline Manager as a career mode for flight simulator to tell you where to fly, however, OnAir is actually a full-blown

Add-on or Expansion Pack

VRS – Superbug and TacPack in P3Dv2 Reviewed

For the last couple of years, anybody interested in military aviation in FSX hasn’t been able to get around Vertical Reality Simulations’ F/A-18E Superbug for

New package support from Navigraph

In a newsletter issued today, Navigraph have announced support for two additional packages as part of their subscription Navdata offerings. The two new packages –

Hardware & Cockpit

Saitek – X-55 Rhino H.O.T.A.S. Review

Anyone who has ever been in the market for a new joystick, knows there’s an amazing range of products out there. From cheap and simple

Add-on or Expansion Pack

Review: TabletFMC for iDevices

Although this review is of an add-on technically for FS9 and/or X, it should really be listed for “Microsoft FS9 or X, plus iPad, iPhone

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