Tag: Flight Sim Labs

FS2Crew – FSLabs Airbus P3D4

You thought that flying the FSLabs A320-X was the ultimate experience in Prepar3D. But there’s an edition of FS2Crew that exists. The full simulation of

FSLabs – A321-X Released

Flight Sim Labs launched their A321-X for P3D v4.4. The A320-X is required ! The new A321-X is an expansion that has a new bunch

Flight Sim Labs – A321-X

Flight Sim Labs published their official promotional video of the upcoming A321-X. In the starting blocks gents ? Their Airbus model will have the most

FSLabs – A320-X PBR Preview

Here’s a shot by FSLabs showing how looks their A320-X model with PBR textures. But it’s still in development and old liveries packs won’t be

FSLabs – Airbus Updates To Come

The A320-X and A319-X of Flight Sim Labs are not compatible with Prepar3D v4.4, so you should not update the flight simulator until the developers

FSLabs – A319-X Available

Released today : the A319-X of Flight Sim Labs is live ! It’s an expansion for the A320-X in P3D4, so you must have it

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