Tag: FlightGear

FlightGear New Version 2016.4.1

Released past weekend, the newest version 2016.4.1 of the free flight simulator FlightGear has been released at the official website : http://www.flightgear.org/. Get all the

FlightGear v3.2

The free and open-source simulator of FlightGear gets an update to  go version 3.2. To read through all the detailed enhancements for the aircraft modelling, graphics

Flightgear new developments

Open Source Flight Simulator FlightGear is continuing to make steady progress, with a number of new features and planned projects being highlighted in their December

FlightGear anniversary competition

15 years. That’s how long open source simulator FlightGear has been around and, to celebrate the sim’s birthday, along with the upcoming release of version

Scammer switches tactics

We’ve mentioned this before and you may have seen it elsewhere recently as well, but the scam reselling of open-source (and free to download!) simulator

FlightGear 2.6 released

Thanks to ourDutch colleagues at simFlight.nl for spotting this one: Freeware, open-source, flight simulator Flightgear has been updated and released at version 2.6. Flightgear has

FlightGear – v2.6.0 in February 2012

The actual FlightGear version is 2.4, and the developers announce v2.6 release schedule ! Expect enhanced visual features, AI Traffic and a new video recorder

FlightGear 2.4.0

Why would it be late to try FlightGear, the ultimate freeware flight simulator ? Usual users will just update and will be stunned by the

A New Sim? Or Just a Rebranded Sim?

If you’ve been around the FS sites recently, you’ve probably seen some advertisements or discussion of a “new” flight sim called, variously, “FlightProSim”, “FlightSimPro” or

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