Tag: Oldprop Solutions

OldProp – 787 Immersion Update

We informed you that QualityWings recently upgraded their Ultimate 787 with a Service Pack 2. OldProp Simulations announced that their 787 Immersion effects package for

FSFX ChasePlane Update Preview

httpv://youtu.be/JqfdyLolTTo Currently in public Beta, ChasePlane is a camera tool supported in FSX, and P3D v4/v2. Developed by OldProp Soluations, the makers of FSFX Packages,

FSFX Packages – 777 Immersion v1.2

httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7KSZYVRMljM&feature=player_embedded OldProp Solutions got popular with PrecipitFX tool and it’s now time to discover 777 Immersion v1.2. It’s only intented to PMDG 777 customers, so they

777 Immersion released by FSFX Packages

The developers of the 777 Immersion add-on, FSFX Packages, describe the new pack as being “the most advanced aircraft-specific effects package ever made” – a bold claim, but backed up by some good

PrecipitFX V1.2 (P3D & FSX)

httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SuM7k2sjWXw&feature=player_embedded The new version 1.2 of PrecipitFX is already online for customers of simMarket. It will positively affect the Prepar3D pilots, with enhanced rain effects, with also

PrecipitFX update news

As the banner above shows, the developers of precipitFX have announced the release of the package’s second update, which includes support for Lockheed-Martin Prepar3D, in

Oldprop Solutions’ effective effects

https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=SuM7k2sjWXw precipitFX is the first release from new developers Oldprop Solutions and it brings to the table a number of improvements to items such as

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