Navigraph updates for TOPCAT

Official since today, Navigraph updates are now also available for TOPCAT database. Before FlightSimSoft grants us with their popular flight planner and preflight dispatcher tool

The 777-200LR in TOPCAT

It’s normal if you feel it’s a long time ago that Flightsimsoft announced TOPCAT support for the 777-200LR. The developers wrote on Facebook “ all relevant

TOPCAT + PFPX new version updates

As you can see on the above picture, my actual version of TOPCAT is version 2.72. Flightsimsoft TakeOff and landing Performance Calculatation Tool automatically informs

PFPX preview video – release this summer ?

httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xj3sqnKLMXE&feature=player_embedded Not only the future customers of Professional Flight Planner X (PFPX) are getting excited by the promising software still under development by Fligfhtsimsoft. The

FlightSimSoft.com and PFPX

In order to prepare Professional Flight Planner X release in the next weeks or months, the official website of the developers team FlightSimSoft has been renewed.


PFPX stands for Professional Flight Planner X. Here and there in simmers forums, we can read how much the community is eagerly waiting for it.

PFPX – Professional Flight Planner X

A bit more of patience, and we will discover on our own the Professional Flight Planner X. Developed by TOPCAT makers, PFPX looks really promising. Their

PFPX – Professional Flight Planner X

I’ve been revising PFPX webpage regularly during past weeks, I was feeling something would come out ! Professional Flight Planner X announced features sound very

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