
New FSAddon Products In The Pipeline

Developers at FSAddon Publishing are hard at work to bring you new products. Francois reports “……Earlier this week we already mentioned the upcoming Piper Super Cub for FS2004 and FSX. But there’s more….. Bill Womack is finalizing his first in a series of small airfields, Plum Island, in a tantalizing quality that will almost make you BE THERE! And then there’s a new and mysterious project that yours truly is involved with….. check out our new website here !……”.

0 Responses

  1. Great to see a Bill Womack airfield…Situated in the great North West?

  2. This project is a bit of a departure from the norm for me; it’s situated in the great Northeast… Massachusetts, just north of Boston, to be precise. More details coming very soon.

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