Top Cub Now Certified In Australia

On its web site we can read that “…… CubCrafters is pleased to announce that the CC18-180 TOP CUB has received Type Certification from the Civil Aviation Safety Authority.  This certification allows new, certified, ready-to-fly Cubs to be delivered to customers in Australia for the first time ever.  The CC18-180 was certified in the US in Dec. 2004, and has now been approved on floats and wheels in Canada and Australia as well…..”. A really nice little model of it for FS2004 and FSX can be found in the FSAddon stable and on simMarket.

0 Responses

  1. certification of what? for a virtual aircraft?

    i think Civil Aviation Safety Authority should think to more interesting things as safe lifes

  2. Lets ‘approve’ this comment, ‘coz it had me ROFL !

    The certification is for the REAL aircraft, but it so happened that a virtual version of it appeared for FS not long ago.

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