X-Plane 9 Is Here For iPhone

Austin Meyers, the developer of X-plane, reports “…….  X-Plane is now here for the iPhone, and it is FUN! The iPhone is not QUITE as powerful as a Quad-Core desktop, so I had to really scale it down to a perfect little ‘slice’ of X-Plane. You can choose from the Cirrus Jet, Columbia-400, Cessna 182, and Piaggo Avanti, with flight physics that are about 95% as accurate as X-Plane for desktop, so the flight modeling is really just amazing for a little device of this size…. really just stunning……”.
“……. You wanna find it?
Launch iTunes on your computer (mac or windows.. it makes no difference). Go to iTunes STORE. Hit the HOME button at top of your screen (a little picture of a house). Hit the APP Store button in the upper left.
Go to the GAMES category, SIMULATION sub-category. Poke around until you find X-Plane. Buy it ($9.99) and write a good review if you like it…..”.

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