Preview: Aerosoft F-16 Fighting Falcon X

The F-16 is one of the most known jet fighters in the world. It’s agile, fast and very reliable. Many airforces around the world are equipt with this wonderful flying machine. And soon FSX pilots will be able to take to the virtual skies in the Aerosoft F-16 Fighting Falcon X, which will be available for purchase later today. One of our reviewers, Johan Peeters, has had the, and i quote, honour, to preview this product. As you’ll be able to read in his preview, there is nothing you won’t like about this, even it’s relatively low price shouldn’t keep you from buying it as soon as it’s released. To read Johan’s exclusive preview , click on Read More.

For a better reading experience Johan has published his preview in a PDF format which means you’ll need a PDF reader in order to read it. You can get one here if you don’t have one.

And for you to realy be able to see what he’s marvelling on about, he has made all the screenshots in the PDF clickable, meaning that as soon as you click them your internet browser will pop up with a much larger version of the image you’ve just clicked on. If that isn’t handy…

To read the exclusive preview, click here

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