
FSAddon Publishing’s CD Releases

Francois Dumas of Publishing reports that “…. we have now started our modest CD/DVD production, delivering a ‘special’ of Plum Island + Piper Super Cub on one CD, as well as Plum Island and Vancouver X separately on CD. These special products are priced in US $ and only available directly from FSAddon Publishing ….”. “….. Many customers have let us know that they would prefer a CD version of our products, even though they could download them.  So we are also working on a ‘Combi Pack Fjords’ that will contain both Misty Fjords and Tongass Fjords (FS9) with a new installer. This special pack will also be only available on DVD. And we will have a Combi Pack of Joe Watson’s FSX scenery enhancements soon.

Last but not least we’ll be distributing the new IYP CD (It’s Your Plane) via our web site, more news soon!

In future we will have more products available on CD and at US $ pricing, some with considerable discounts as compared to the original releases.

The ‘regular’ titles can of course still be ordered from simMarket as being our main retailer ….”.

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