Flight1 Cessna Mustang Promotional Video

jaggyroadFlight1 with Jaggyroad Films “….. have released the official video demonstration of their up and coming Cessna Mustang. Flight1 has partnered with Cessna to create a high fidelity simulation of the new VLJ (Very Light Jet) and plans on releasing it to the public soon. The video can be downloaded or viewed on Youtube.  To learn more about the Flight1 Cessna Mustang, see here…..”.

0 Responses

  1. The video effects were way overkill, I didn’t enjoy looking at this at all. About the time one scene would come into focus another effect would wipe it out and go to another. Never saw a clear picture of anything.
    I am sure Flight 1’s Cessna Mustang will be a wonderful product, the video was a major disappointment.

  2. I agree with V.H. That was a video demonstrating effects, not an aircraft. They have a better video on their forum site which goes over a few minutes (look for Takeoff1.zip there). The only downside on that one is the sound is still the Learjet’s.

  3. I certainly respect all opinions and even yours Van but just for the record, Flight1 and Cessna were well pleased with this video.


    Jim Rhoads

  4. I think it’s an absolutely great video. It’s called build up, a little teasing, not showing everything, leaving things to your imagination. I love the effects, especially the pilot’s hand beating the rythm on the wing. Great video!

  5. Loved the video as it is a commercial marketing teaser. Nothing wrong with that. Love the Mustang even more! But I dread the frame rates…


  6. The vid was very much a rhythmic teaser – followed the music. Beat, bass, move… I liked.

    I wonder what it’d have looked like if you’d taken the “I like to move it” song from the film Madagascar (prefer that version for the funny furries) But that tune would be better for a Pitts I guess…

    Pier Wiebe – here? Naaaah, surely not the one I knew 🙂

  7. Great video and hits the mark as a good promotional teaser for the Mustang. As for the frame rates, it’s not a frame rate hog, I have been delightfully surprised… make that amazed at how well it runs on my over two year old system. Better frame rates than many other less complex add ons.

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