Two Down, One to Go

francoisA quick update from your editor:
Unfortunately my main PC, the one with all the ‘serious’ programs and data on it, would not restart when we returned from our short Christmas holiday in Prague. Something broke on the motherboard. So I took it to the repair shop.

But even MORE unfortunate was the subsequent breakdown of Windows ( I think ) on my backup machine, after I moved the two ‘ production hard drives’ to it. It means I now only have a notebook running my email program, and Firefox…. but none of my programs and data I use daily.

It also means that a few projects I was working on are now on hold and my regular work for simFlight and simMarket is severely hampered as well.

Please be patient and know that I am doing everything I can to get back up and running as soon as possible, but not before the end of next week ! Meanwhile I am sure my trusted ‘ assistants’  will try and keep the ‘ news flowing’.

Yours, Francois

0 Responses

  1. eeeuuwww… not good.
    I am off shopping in a while, but I’ll keep my eyes skinned for you boss.

  2. Man! If it wasn’t for bad luck, you wouldn’t have any! I hope things get better for you, my friend!! Look at it this way ….. Better weather is on the way, and the BMW will find its way through Europa once again with two happy people on board. No computer needed!! And of course I’ll be here to drool over the beautiful pictures!! 🙂


  3. Congratulations with your “breakdown of Windows” Francios.
    Maybe this is a signal for you to look further that the computer limitions form Redmond on your system?

    Ever thought about switching to a more stable OS like Unix, Apple of an nice free and stable flavour of Linux? Then you are able to take
    Flightgear up for a spin 😉

    Happy landings, Ronald
    “Smash your Windows today, Where do you want to compute tomorrow?”

  4. But you can fly Flightgear on Windows as well… You can’t fly FS9 or FSX on Linux. 🙂

    Ian P.

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