Flight1’s Fokker 70/100 Boxed Edition On simMarket

fl1-f70-0011Matt Walsh over at Flight1 Europe reports “…. The ultimate procedures and systems simulation for Flight Simulator 2004 and Flight Simulator X now available!  This fully packed boxed edition comes complete with printed manual, including ‘your first flight’ tutorial, poster-sized panel familiarisation guide and a full-length flight-deck DVD filmed with British Midland airlines (BMi) on a round trip to Nice — which will help both novices and airliner experts alike to ‘learn to fly the Fokker way’….’. You can get it from simMarket of course.“….. With the involvement of Fokker pilots, this is an airliner that MUST be flown just as the real aircraft would be. Complex systems such as hydraulics, bleed air and electrical connections, lift dumper and speed brake logic, emergency controls, reverser logic plus detailed icing and fire protection systems are all modelled, delivering the ultimate cockpit simulation……”.

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