Approaching Beirut

sceneryonmap_olbaThose of you who like to fly the not-so-common grounds will be delighted to hear that Jad Abizeid of LEBOR Simulations is working on Rafik Hariri Intl. Airport in Beirut/Lebanon. At the development page, you can find some screenshots and background information.

Quoting the site: “OLBAX scenery is designed from scratch thus no element from Lebor’s previous sceneries is used. Using the latest technology in FSX SDK as well as visual and technical database that was not available to us when we designed the previous versions of the airport, Jad created an amazing true to life reproduction of Rafik Hariri International Airport.”

The project looks very nice so far, no release date given yet, but we will keep you updated for sure.

If you want to know more about Rafik Hariri Intl. Airport, check out this website – it tells you about the facilities and services on location and even provides real time flight info.

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