
Airport Design Editor Updated

ade_140ScruffyDuck Software and the ADE Development Team are “delighted to announce the release of ADE9X. This is the first version of Airport Design Editor to support both FS9 and FSX. The new functionality means that FS9 airport developers now have access to most of the functionality that has been available to FSX designers for some time. This includes the Approach Designer and all the other tools that allow users to work with buildings, signs etc. The only area currently not supported for FS9 is terrain elements such as land class, roads and so on. We have spent a lot of time working on making the importation of AFCAD files into ADE as easy as possible.”
“Whilst this version is mostly about providing support for FS9, our FSX users should also update as they will find many fixes and a number of enhancements including much better handling of stock navaids, user defined colors for taxi links and an improved and more stable interface with the Sim.

We would like to take this opportunity of thanking all those in our development and beta teams as well as all those users who have tried out the release candidate and given us valuable feedback. You can find out more about ADE9X by visitingร‚ย  here or downloading the package direct from here.”

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