Carenado’s Piper Archer For FSX


We don’t know how they do it? Outsourcing to cheap labor countries? Having all uncles and aunts taught on Gmax? Where an FSX aircraft usually takes between 6 and 18 months to develop, Carenado continues to crank out new models. Their latest is the FSX version of the Piper Archer, a wonderful little aircraft for your VFR flights anywhere in the world. And the equipment at the front desk is sufficient to do IFR flights as well, by the way.

With the usual carenado featires and quality, the Archer is now available for purchase at the simMarket on-line shop.

0 Responses

  1. “…We don’t know how they do it? ..: Its simple, they reuse everything, same gauges, same panels, very nice screenshot airplanes. still fs2004 stuff and the same hdg obj bugs on every plane.

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