Old MS Crew Re-united ?

cascade_logoToday a remarkable press release saw the light, published by the new company Cascade Game Foundry. The ‘remarkable’  part of it is that the founders of the company are Rick Selby and Katie Flood. Especially Rick Selby is known to be the former ‘ MS Trains Man’. There is talk in their press release about now being ale to make ‘other’ simulations and also for not-so-core simmers. A wise idea for starting a simulation business (see: Astragon!) but not necessarily boding well for us FS junkies. Time will tell……

“…….. Seattle, Washington, October 13, 2009 — Cascade Game Foundry, a new game development studio in Washington, today announced their entry into the simulation marketplace with an experienced team of industry pros poised to create a portfolio of innovative and engaging products which will appeal to both aficionados and people new to the genre.

The two founders, Creative Director Rick Selby and Managing Director Kathie Flood, are no strangers to simulations – both are former Microsoft Aces Studio leaders and industry veterans. Not only will Cascade Game Foundry address the significant hole in the simulation market left by Microsoft’s recent departure, it will push new boundaries with the latest in cutting-edge graphics, simulation and web technology.

“The beauty of starting a new studio is that we get to reconsider all our preconceived notions,” comments Selby, a former Lead Product Designer at Microsoft. “Our previous efforts focused on building traditional simulation titles. However, now we get to redefine what a simulation game can be. As a designer, that is incredibly liberating.” From a gameplay standpoint, Cascade Game Foundry is looking to broaden the market. “The hardcore simulation fan is the critical foundation, but why stop there?” says Selby. “We want to deliver unique experiences that appeal to diverse audiences around the world.”

Flood, a former Microsoft Senior Program Manager with 15 years of industry experience, is excited about the possibilities. “We want to combine the naturally inquisitive nature of the human spirit with the stunning resources of the planet. The simulation market is known to be a strong, consistent performer, but our vision extends beyond flying and railroading,” she says. “Think of SCUBA diving off Hawaii, traversing the Andes, hiking the Great Wall of China … the possibilities are endless.”

Selby and Flood are joined by a number of other former Aces members and game industry veterans. “We have an incredible team lined up across all disciplines,” adds Flood. “Every person has numerous years of professional experience and a proven track record of delivering multi-million-selling titles. “We see this as a wonderful opportunity to reinvigorate the simulation market with a quantum step forward and our products will convey that sense of passion, fun and excitement that we have always had for the genre.”

“If you love simulations, the news is going to get better and better,” hints Selby.

Cascade Game Foundry, LLC is hard at work on the design and demo for their first project…..”.


0 Responses

  1. Great if they can provide us with tools for both
    the trains,planes, and other insanes.

  2. Looks like the simulation market is in a bit of flux at the moment.

    Maybe we will be seeing two new simulation titles coming to the market within the next few years… maybe Aerosoft, maybe these guys. Now wouldn’t that be something.

  3. I wish them good luck… but ‘redefining what a simulation game can be’ may be a bit optimistic. Wasn’t Rome A.D. 100 or so already been done in the same fashion (and what happened to that project anyway?)?

    Besides, I’m a traditional guy… All I ask is a simulated plane and an NDB to steer her by.

  4. In any case MS FS code and engine were too demanding… So rethinking the way a “4D” engine can work for virtual flying is a challenge for wide audience accessibility…Can you immagine that since the release of FSX in Fall 2006, there is no PC you can buy at an electronic shop near you, that can run FSX with full features? (Unless you build a 3000$ gamer machine…But how many can afford this)… So What’s the use of lowering the sliders settings after 4 years of the release of a program in order to run it on present machines??? THat means MSFS eengine had to retire… Can’t wait to see if these guys will rebuild a new world from scratch… Or perhaps go toward money making light sims…

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