Super Cub X Leaves The nest

Inst-side-supercubXFrancois Dumas of FSAddon Publishing writes “….. Yes, YET ANOTHER Piper Cub offering for FSX. They seem to be leaving ‘ the nest’  literally these days…… The wonderful A2A Piper Cub is just out there of course, and our previous Cub flies just fine in FSX, so why the heck would we be offering you this package then !?

Well, in comparison to our FS2004/FSX model, THIS one is FSX native. Re-built from the ground up as an FSX model, with all the goodies in texturing applied. Wanna know more…. click on Read Full Story below……”.

Or buy it already at simMarket here….. !

“…. because….. opposed to the A2A model it may be a lot simpler….. BUT you get SEVEN models, FOUR panels and TWENTYFOUR liveries…. for about half the price. How’s that for a car salesman imitation, eh? So that’s why we call it the Super Cub X Collection.

Fact is, it’s true! The Super Cub is available NOW on simMarket. Oh, and if you already own the FS2004/FSX version, you get a 50% DISCOUNT on this new package ! A DVD version will be available next week on our own website….”.

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