PMDG Releases BAe JS4100 SP1

logo_graphicPMDG releases this service update which was designed primarily to deal with some critical operating issues that appeared on some hardware/operating system setups. As normal, we decided to tinker with a few other things as well- just because we were under the hood already. For more information head to the PMDG homepage by clicking here.

From the PMDG Forums:

This non-conclusive fix list covers the basics of what we have adjusted:

– Modified Engine Start Sounds to ease transition.
– Eliminated reported VNAV CTD errors in FMS.
– Eliminated “CTD on Exit” error.
– Eliminated potential CTD error related to FSX simconnect.
– Updated J41 Configuration Tool to correct for various visual anomalies.
– Modified J41 to account for sensor package on HKG Flying Service J41 Livery. (available from download page.)
– Updated FSX ATC callsigns.
– Added Keyboard Commands pass-throughs for various cockpit controls
– Corrected inverter error that prevented AHRS from dumping alignment when all busses were de-powered and batteries turned off.
– Added visual rain effects to the VC windows
– Various visual and artwork fixes to VC and external model.
– A few other minor tweaks and adjustments.
– Modified installer behavior to eliminate certain types of activation troubles for a small number of customers.

There are a few other items we’d like to continue tweaking, but we wanted to put priority on eliminating some of the reported CTD issues, as those tend to be higher-impact than other reported items.

In addition to this SP1 update, we have also rebuilt and re-uploaded all existing liveries to add some data to their aircraft config entries that was recommended by one customer here. These entries will allow the airplane to interface with FSX’s ATC system more cleanly. (I forget who you were- but thank you for the recommendations!) To get these new features you will need to UNINSTALL any existing livery- then downlad and install the new one. (Running the new installer in REPAIR mode will not work… sorry!)

We also added a half dozen or so free liveries to the download page. You can pick them out easily because I haven’t yet added their thumbnail images- so the placehold “IMAGE COMING” tag is a good clue as to which ones are new.

The Hong Kong Government Flying Service model that Vin created has the sensor package and the FLIR hanging out the bottom… Makes for some interesting opportunities flying out of Hong Kong!

For those of you who helped us to locate and test for the various CTDs that were reported, thank you! We were unable to replicate the reports in-house or on the beta team- so your help and flexibility was greatly appreciated.

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