More Combat Planes ‘Adventures’

albatross1Combat Planes published some more of its adventires for FSX on simMarket. “…… Amphibian Adventures for FSX offers six missions flying in Canada and Alaska in Alphasim’s HU-16 Albatross, or the Microsoft Grumman Goose. A bonus mission offers a flight for the Aerosoft Catalina, and a second bonus mission for those with the Acceleration pack adds a mission start in the EH-101, and then a transfer to the Albatross….”. Available here today.

“…. The HU-16 Albatross

The Albatross is flown from both land and water. A beautiful new Canadian livery by Bruce Martin is flown to represent the CFB Comox aircraft. Other versions flown include the US Coast Guard and the US Navy. The standard Microsoft Grumman Goose is enhanced by the AussieX high-resolution texture package.

The G21 Goose

The Grumman Goose is extremely rare. with 345 airframes produced and approximately 60 remaining in service. The Goose has proven extremely versatile and has seen operational service as a freighter, passenger transport, military transport and even as a flying yacht installed with bars and toilets. It has held roles with Army, Airforce, Navy, Coastguard and has served around the world….”.

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