A call for FS beta testers in April 2010(?)

An ad has been posted on the Seattle’s Craiglist.org site dated April 07th that calls for Pilots and Flight Simulator fans are needed for testing!! Job #Games19 (Redmond, WA)‘ .

A  company named CompuCom Excell Data is further saying: ‘ Put your flight time and or Flight Simulation playing experience to use in a fun way! We are looking for focused individuals who have experience or an interest in aviation to test a new flight simulation game. Recent CS/Engineering and and Math Grads strongly encouraged to apply!’

A game? a simulator? from Redmond?  anything of this rings a bell?  please speculate or contribute any information in the comments below.

0 Responses

  1. Doesn’t come completely out of the blue of course, after the poll many people received.

    [b]…Flight Simulation playing experience to use in a fun way…[/b]

    This gives me the shivers. Promoting a flightsim as ‘fun’ may have worked for H.A.W.X. or something, but if feels wrong to use it for a (relatively) hardcore MSFS or X-Plane-style sim.

  2. And what exactly is said here that isn’t pointing towards another Hawx or Blazing Angels, etc.?

    “We are looking for focused individuals who have experience or an interest in aviation to test a new flight simulation game.”

    How many previous incarnations of MS software have been advertised as being available for beta via third party companies no-one has heard of, rather than via MSDN or previous beta lists? Everything to me on this points at the location reference being a total Red(mond) Herring.

  3. Anything on Craig’s I totally have to question the legit and validity these days! My opinion I dont trust the site! My opinion only.

  4. Well, if one takes a cynical look, then someone could be harvesting computer accounts by the thousands… 😀

  5. I’ve seen this posting elsewhere, and have good reason to believe it’s legitimate. Note that they’re not calling for “Beta testers”, they’re looking to hire tester(s) period. Whatever product this relates to (and I wish I knew, believe me!), it’s not about giving people access to a Beta, it is (or was) a legitimate job posting.

    It’s still live here: http://clients.datafrenzy.com/excell/details.aspx?jobnum=16162548

    We used to hire contract testers and artists via Excell Data quite a bit, though Volt was our usual primary contractor.

    Regardless of semantics, here’s hoping this leads to good news at some point!

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