Next Level Simulations A380

As many of you know, Next Level Simulations team is busy preparing their A380. This will only come out for FSX and FS9 later. They published a clip at Youtube that includes the A380 in it. Release date remains unknown though.

0 Responses

  1. Actually, it shows the original models only. These are rendered scenes that have been made for other projects. They only used the A380 models that are also used for your FS-based simulation. However, the models for the FS version are not done yet and are still under development. So the models shown in this clip may not represent the final result. Its an animation showreel only. Apart from the models, it has nothing to do with the FS version.

  2. this youtube movie is banned in germany because of sony music rights !!!
    Could NLS make another clip without music ?

  3. Oli Yes and when this airbus will be released. Lot of poeple waiting for it. Its seems to be you are also not reading your email 😉 hehehe

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