
Finally Austria 2010 Vatsim Event

Online events are always a great opportunity to practice the real world ATC procedures with real people.

Here’s an invitation for this weekend : “there is one of the biggest events of VATSIM, the Finally Austria 2010 taking place in virtual airspace of Austria. […].”

Facts about “Finally Austria 2010”:
– Over 25 Controllers will meet in Vienna to staff the ATC stations
– Vienna Schwechat (LOWW) and Innsbruck Kranebitten (LOWI) will be fully staffed! More Airports depending on availability
– Hence, the whole Austrian airspace will be available at full service on the weekend from the 23rd until the 24th of October 2010
– Time: Saturday from 09am to 09pm (UTC) and Sunday from 08am to 4pm (UTC)
– Charts, infos and scenaries from LOWW and/or LOWI at

For the first time we arrange an open day on Saturday, 23rd of October 2010 from 12.00 am to 05.00pm UTC! You can look over the controllerโ€™s shoulders and experience the reverse side of VACC-Austria. Again, we would like to invite particularly the pilots. It will be definitely a cool event to meet, talk shop, exchange experience or to simply drink a beer together. Of course cold drinks will be provided.

BENA Office Cityport
Simmeringer Hauptstrasse 24
1110 Vienna

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