Hypothetical Hubs… dusty destinations?

97393_8So… We got a few responses to our last try at doing this, so let’s do it again, shall we? The idea is that you have a starting point, an aircraft type and a rule to fly to. You choose the destination and, if you please, tell us why you’d choose it?

If you don’t recognise it, the one above is FlyTampa’s very highly regarded OMDB from Dubai Rebooted. So this time, with that as a starting point and an intercontinental airliner (take your pick!), which other desert location airport would you fly to? The fringes of the Sahara? Las Vegas? Fly around the local area and land again? Antarctica apparently counts as a desert, as do the Russian Steppes… Let us know your thoughts and suggestions using the comments box below!

0 Responses

  1. Great idea, but I’m not into heavy iron, and have little affinity with deserts (desserts on the other hand 🙂 )
    Also, I have a feeling that most deserts are located in those parts of the world with fairly scant FS coverage, but may others prove me wrong. Good luck!

    1. Mmm! Desserts!

      Part of the point of this exercise is to give people suggestions that they may not have thought of as places to fly to in the sim. The next one will be for the GA fans… This one would have been, but I couldn’t decide which bit of the world to base it around!

      I tend to be part of the GA/short haul crowd, so the closest I get to a true desert destination is Aerosoft’s Monastir from their Holiday Airports collection. There are also quite a few Middle Eastern and Egyptian airports available now, as examples. Don’t forget that Australia (Orbx?) and the US (Las Vegas, as mentioned in the article?) have “true” deserts as well.

      If anyone has any suggestions for future “Hypothetical Hubs”, let us know and we’ll credit the person who thought of them if they’re used.

  2. Love this scenery, especially as I’ve just been in Dubai myself last March (came in on an Emirates 777-300 from Frankfurt and took the A380 to Sydney). Have done a few hauls on the CS 777 to Athens and back, mainly because the latter is also a great FlyTampa airport and the 5 hours 30 is just about what I can take… BTW, don’t know why everyone hates the Captainsim 777 so much. I think it’s quite decent…

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