
Mega Jo’burg in the making

Our reader Emile has sent a note pointing us to yet another forum thread showing preview screens, now forย Mega Airport Johannesburg. By the name alone you already know that it will be published by Aerosoft, the development however is being made by two distinct groups namely: the African Scenery Design Group known as ASDGย and by Contrailsimulationsย (the guys that gave us OJAI for FS9).


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  1. Having flown into the real Jo’Burg airport back in 2008 I’m really looking forward to this release. Located over 5500ft ASL with one runway over 14000ft long it will be fascinating to see if take-offs in FSX match those of the real world. I timed the take-off roll of my BA 747-400 at nearly 50 seconds! There couldn’t have been much runway left!

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