
Another FS Flashback


Microsoft Flight Simulator 4. The first of the series to be openly modifiable (sort of…), expandable and it even had full colour solid graphics, which was still something of a big deal in 1989.

Well the Internet Archive has a treat in store for you if you’ve never tried this sim; not only the ability to run it on a modern PC, but in a web browser, no less. Click here to look back in time 15 25 years* – but you may want to turn your sound down a bit. πŸ™‚

*Silly typo… Thanks Boerries!

0 Responses

  1. Gah. Please note the time. Silly typo. Sorry. πŸ™

    Hey. I learned to fly on FS4 (and 5.1CD…) πŸ˜‰

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