If you’re finding that the misaligned and incorrectly positioned default airfields of FSX and P3D are a problem then you’re not alone – nuvecta, publishers of the Treeline North America packages, have discovered the same thing and their response is “REALign“, a series of free to download airfield corrections, currently covering 10 US states.
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nuvecta, publisher of the Treeline™ series of add-ons, will be “releasing” the first batch of Project REALign™ airfields. These are free airfields- mostly USA spread across 10 states correctly lined up to photo-scenery and real-world currently – greatly improving upon the useless stock airfields.. There are more than 70 fields in all so far – mostly smaller fly-in or small regional/GA fields. Treeline™’s autogen is also aligned with the photo-scenery and the airfield in much more detail than the full product.
The REALign™ fields are available for free. You do not have to be a Treeline™ user (anyone can benefit) or to have bought Treeline™.
To obtain access to all fields, a you must register on the forum (at www.nuvecta.com). You will then be sent a link to allow permanent access to the REALign™ folder (comes password-protected) and have the ability to download existing and any new fields. There may or may not be auto-installers, depending upon the contributor and nature of the airfield, so some idea of how to add scenery manually may be needed.
Part of the Project is for users (or anyone) to contribute their own fields or ideas for airfields based upon experience of badly aligned stock fields. We’ll check them out for alignment, content, line up Treeline™ (adding with more tree detail), perhaps add other autogen, and release for free download through the shared folder. We’re hoping to build the idea of a community for nuvecta, Treeline™, and decent airfields matching real-world positioning. The difference between other airfield replacement collections is the Project REALign™ intent is to do it in volume and as quickly as possible – with many fields! Developers are encouraged to share fields with freeware download sites and also share what they have there on Project REALign™.