
Aerosoft Airbus SP3 Released

135559_airbus-a318-a319-27The newly released update for the Aerosoft Airbus A318/319/320/321 products brings a number of new features.

Two of the most obvious and most popular are an enhanced weather radar designed to look for turbulence rather than just rain, plus “experimental”Β shared cockpit functionality designed for multi-crew use. There are also a number of sound and graphical fixes, including differentiating the overheads between the A320 and A321, plus more.

Unfortunately the number of fixes and changes does mean that you’ll need to download and install completely new installers for your products, which you’ll find in your user account where you bought the package.


0 Responses

  1. There is still bugs with this SP3 like Engine oscillations !!! So wait for a patch or a complete new release before installing this new SP.

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