
FlySimWare – Lear 35A Now on simMarket


FlySimware’s latest release, the Lear 35A is now available on simMarket. TheyΒ have included 2 models for users who use the payware GTN750 GPS unit or Reality’s XP WX500 weather radar unit. Whereas 1 model uses Flysimware’s GNS 530 with working VNAV system and the payware weather radar. Not only that, but included you will find a TSS sound pack inclusive of the price. To purchase your copy, head over to simMarket.

0 Responses

  1. Great ~ !! Finally some Private looking Jets for Flight Simulator that are Worthy, along with Carnedo’s, and Lionheart creations too ! Fantastic !!

  2. As with most Flysimware releases, insufficient beta testing means it’s best to wait while they iron out the bugs – I think they’ve issued at least two updates already.
    Usually develops into a worthy product about 1.5 or 1.6, but even now it’s already better than certain Chilean developers idea of simulation.

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