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LatinVFR - KMIA V3LatinVFR KMIA v3 is compatible with P3D v2/v3 and FSX. For this last one, a new patch may be necessary to fix the memory usage and display performance issues. In the same time, the same publishers made another patch, for Key West v2 this time. Download what you need from your user account at simMarket.

Flight Deck Solutions release an updated PMDG Interface for use with their B777 and B737 MX series modules, CDU and MCP. Find them in their forum here. Support for their Jetmax setups will be addedΒ at a later date.

0 Responses

  1. No wonder! I was having OOM issues after the install, now I know. This scenery has so many issues! With time they all get fixed, I am sure of it.

  2. The recommendation is not upgrade to V3 until these patch will be out? Is the impact of memory usage and display performance is severe and can give us a blue screen?

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