EFASS NG – Electronic Flight Assistant Public Beta

Electronic Flight Assistant EFASS

The Electronic Flight Assistant of Froom, acronymed EFASS, will become EFASS NG in the next version. Existing customers get the right to test it in Beta version.

Further instructions are detailed on the official website.

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Miguel Angel Alvarez Gallardo
Miguel Angel Alvarez Gallardo
8 years ago

Hi mates! A very good software, but a pretty bad client service. I’ve just transfered my licence key in order to use the beta NG version and because the new activation and registration system, I haven’t received any response by EPROM Simulation yet, therefore I can’t use the beta.
I sent two emails two days ago and nothing.

Miguel Angel Alvarez Gallardo
Miguel Angel Alvarez Gallardo
8 years ago

Everything is right now. EPROM Simulation has solved the activation problem. Good client service now. They have opened a good web for solving problems. Thank you.

J. Adolfo Medina
8 years ago

Hi, I have the same problem. A lot of customers of EFASS v1.x has the same problem and not answer from e-mais and not answer on the official forum.

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