
simMarket : Go East 50% OFF with Support in Russian

GO EAST is a massive 50% OFF sale on a selection of Russian sceneries : Moscow City X, Sheremetyevo, Domodedovo airports and more … until july 20th. All other current offers are listed via Facebook or at the SALES section of simMarket.

Why ? After the addition of Chinese Mandarin in last year, simMarket expands again the support team with Russian speaking language member to serve customers in their mother language. The shop website received also the fifth language after English, German, French and Mandarin.

We’ll copy here the full Press Release of simMarket :

“simMarket has opened it’s virtual doors to our friends from Russia! simMarket is since today available in the Russian language in an effort offer the full simMarket FS Experience to another important and vast region of the world!
Russian is the fifth (5th) language to be added to the simMarket shop after Mandarin, French, German and English.
It is important to note that simMarket by offering the shop in Russian, does not simply ‘add’ another language but also offers customer support staffed by Russian speaking team members, much the same as we did when opening to the Chinese market in 2017.
W​e believe simMarket is the only Flight Sim store with such a global reach​ and we are totally committed to continue to expand!
To celebrate the occasion we are running our ‘GO EAST’ campaign with a 50% off special sale on these Russia relevant products.”
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6 years ago

No rubles?

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