
Freeware : USA sceneries for USA from Richard ‘Georender’ Goldstein

Yes, Georender scenery is back.  Many simmers will remember Emma Field and the airports made famous by the original Georender series, especially as a number of them have been remade by other commercial developers. 

Well, Richard is now developing freeware for FS2020.  His first two offerings are large scale Ultra-High-Resolution sceneries of iconic American landscapes in Sedona, Arizona and The Arches National Park in Utah.  Both can be downloaded from where you can search for “Sedona Cinematic” and “Arches National Park“.

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Andreas Gottschalk
Andreas Gottschalk
1 year ago


that`s good news that Georender is back.
Is it still possible to get older Georender scenery for FS2004 via you?
If not, is there a possibility to write to Mr. Goldstein directly?
I’m particularly interested in Alaska Cinematic 1 and 2.
I would be very happy about a positive message.


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